A London Lockdown Conversation with Emily Syphas, Founder of Sober & Social

Sobriety is NOT boring! Sober and Social, who would have thought these two words could ever work together? Well, they do and all thanks to Emily, who founded an alcohol-free movement in London called Sober & Social. Since I started my sober journey I was always looking forward to places like this.  Whether you are looking to learn more about…
London, UK
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A Lockdown Conversation with Claire Etchell, Naked PR Girl!

The day Claire Etchell reallly hit my radar she’d already posted an outfit selfie at home, the London skyline from the train coming into central and brief snippets from a secretive meeting she had in Mayfair… All before midday. Who is the mythological superwoman? I literally thought to myself. The more I watched Claire bounce around London for meetings, events…
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