Two Years Sober ・ The Truth About My Second Year in Addiction Recovery

Zadar, Croatia
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Two years sober. I am two fucking years sober. Twenty four months without a sip of alcohol. What a journey it has been so far....

Why I can’t just have “one” drink, ever ・ Addiction recovery

Zadar, Croatia
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Believe me, it has crossed my mind and is that one question I ask myself potentially too often, “Was I really THAT bad?” Did I really need to go all the way out and quit drinking for good? The answer is yes. My husband and I met just after I hit 1 year sober. Trust me, meeting the man of my dreams was the last thing I was prepared for. I had just learned how to love myself and all those flaws that I grew to hate and with no notice I had to learn how to love another human being. If learning to love myself was a challenge, imagine what loving someone else felt like… totally out of my comfort zone.

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